2024 International Conference on Digital Contents
16 - 18 December 2024, Jeju, Korea
Hosted by
Korea Digital Contents Society (K-DCS)
Institution of Creative Research Professionals (ICRP)
2024 the International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM(AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies (DigiCon-24) will be held in Jeju, Korea, December 16 ~ December 18, 2024. DigiCon-24 will be the eighth event of DigiCon conference series which is hosted and organized by the Korea Digital Contents Society (K-DCS) and the Institution of Creative Research Professionals (ICRP), and this year event will be technically co-sponsored by IEEE Busan section.
Digital Contents become increasingly important not only in industry but also in our life. It is being used in entertainment, education, arts, and various cultural areas. Today, Creative Digital Content technologies with Smart Media, Arts, and Cultures areas lead to new world. Fortunately, Digital Contents: Smart media, Arts & Culture Technology is nowadays considered as a serious academic domain and the number of researchers studying these topics is rapidly increasing.
The DigiCon-24 international conference is an excellent opportunity to discuss and explore areas related to the [Digital Contents: AICoM(AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies] with fellow students, researchers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of Digital Contents Technology and its Applications.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together academic and industry researchers, designers and developers, etc., to address and advance the research and development issues related to digital contents.
The DigiCon-24 is the very next event, in a series of highly successful International Conference on Digital Contents: AICoM(AI, IoT, Contents and Metaverse) Technologies, previously held as DigiCon-23 (Jeju, Korea, 2021), DigiCon-22 (Jeju, Korea, 2021), DigiCon-21 (Jeju, Korea, 2021), DigiCon-19 (Daegu, Korea, 2019), DigiCon-18(Jeju, Korea, 2018), DigiCon Workshop 2016 (Danang, Philippine, 2016), DigiCon Workshop 2015 (Seoul, Korea, 2015), DigiCon Workshop 2012 (Pyungchang, Korea, 2012).
The conference is inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Digital ContentsDigital Contents & Media Processing
Smart e-Learning, e-Commerce and Applications
Contents Business Platform
Intellectual Property Issues
Contents Security Issues
Artificial Intelligence Technology
Generative AI and Artificial General Intelligence
Applications using AI
Ethical Issues in AI applications
Metaverse Technology
Applications using Metaverse
Metaverse Security and Privacy
Digital Arts, AR, VR Technology & Applications
Smart Culture Technology & Applications
Media Art and Media Facade
Smart TV, Social TV & Applications
Digital Audio, Video Technology & Applications
IoT communications & Its Security Issues
Mobile Computing and Network Technology
Mobile Security and Privacy
Mobile Devices
Cloud Computing Technology
Smart IoT Technology and Applications
Emerging and Innovative Convergence Technology and Applications